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1-2 October 2024 | RAI, Amsterdam

A photo of Viktor Brajak, COO, holding the GoDigital 2023 prize.
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Rate of Returning Customers.


Successfully Finished Enterprise Projects.


Senior Experienced Engineers.


Years of Java Expertise.


Projects Delivered on Time.

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Things we do.


  • »Allowing service providers to reach numerous data sources with a single integration means Pladenj is under heavy traffic. But it handles it perfectly, also due to the sophisticated machine learning throughput throttling.«

    Bernarda Kozelj
    Secretary at Ministry of Public Administration, Republic of Slovenia
  • »We use Medius’ solution for data collection, monitoring and analysis to predict and prevent production failures of our 170+ applications in real-time, increasing overall IT ecosystem performance and availability.«

    Sašo Savič
    Director OSS & BSS at Telekom Slovenije d.d.
  • »Medius’ solution has shown great value and multiple possible machine learning use cases in insurance companies. Furthermore, it has confirmed the expertise and reliability of Medius's experts. I would definitely recommend such product to all insurance companies.«

    Maja Krumberger
    Director of Slovenian Insurance Association
  • »Amazing work, Medius empowered us to iterate faster without compromising quality. I would highly recommend them.«

    Robert Eržen
    Chief Information Officer at Loterija Slovenija d.d.
  • »There are not many companies in the region able to design and develop a system of such functional complexity and be agile at the same time. Kudos!«

    Borut Puklavec
    Chief Technology Officer at Nomago
  • »Tokenization is changing how we access real estate investments, increasing value and liquidity of the world’s biggest asset class. Medius’ technical expertise will help us bring tokenization mainstream.«

    Denis Petrovcic
    CEO at Blocksquare
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    EU funded project
    Co-funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU logo

    Al-Powered Big Data Platform for Large Solar Power Plants

    Leonardo is a big data platform for instant, short-term, and long-term forecasting of photovoltaic power generation. It is based on the collection of data on key environmental parameters, computer vision for weather monitoring, and advanced machine learning algorithms. It addresses the main challenge hindering the broader use of renewable energy sources (RES).

    Our references.

    Big Data, machine learning and AI (Insurance)

    Fraud detection with machine learning is an ideal tool that helps insurance companies analyze their data, create machine learning models and return real-time fraud scores.


    insurance companies

    80% +

    accuracy in suspicious claims detection

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    EU funded project
    Co-funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU logo

    Hybrid technologies: Factories of the future for green transition

    Greentech is an EU funded research project which aims to join top scientific competencies from leading industrial partners to revolutionize the production process and products with sustainability and enhanced regional self-sufficiency in mind.

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