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Introducing Stitcher, the solution for automation and efficient project management

Introducing a tailor-made solution that has transformed our internal processes — Did you know that it takes a person up to 23 minutes to recover when something or someone distracts them while they are doing their job…

How does a Slovenian tech firm create international award-winning projects?

Meet Medius, a high-tech partner for the development of customised software solutions — Have you ever wondered why some companies are always one step ahead of others? Darwin would answer that those who can adapt quickly to…

Exploring a new era of data processing with tailored artificial intelligence solutions

Large Language Models (LLMs) are evolving at an unprecedented pace and understand our world better than ever before. Every day we generate a…

Dynamic queries and unified Javanese code formatting

Medius interview — When it comes to software, the quality of the end product and the ease of use are also affected by the tools and methodologies we use for…

How to harness the potential of data in real time with Kafka?

Understanding the tools and technologies that enable effective data management is crucial for any organization or individual looking to…

Industry 4.0 on the Wings of Artificial Intelligence

How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Manufacturing Processes — For many years, companies have been digitizing their facilities to improve conditions for operators. However, the opposite is true for the…

Navigating the Evolution of Enterprise Java

Conversation with Senior Software Engineer in Medius Rok Koleša — Bojan: My name is Bojan, I’m the Director of Business Development here at Medius, and joining me today is the Senior Software Engineer at…

When AI Meets Renewable Energy

The Game-Changing Power of Leonardo — The world is leaning more towards renewable energy each day and for a good reason. But as solar, wind, and small hydro plants become more…

From Theory to Practice with Medius

Why We Share Our AI Adventures — Ever wondered why magicians never reveal their secrets? Maybe it's because the mystery adds to the magic. But we firmly believe the opposite…

Transform Your Customer Support

Automate and Personalize Emails with Bilingual Text Classification — You're staring at your customer service inbox, overflowing with emails that must be sorted and forwarded to the proper departments. Each…

The Unsung Hero of Software Development

Why Conventional Commits Matter — In software development, like in many other areas, the devil often lies in the details. While groundbreaking algorithms and stunning user…

How to Use Large Language Models Responsibly

Protecting Your Sensitive Data — Remember HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey? That intelligent machine that could chat like a human? Well, now we have real-life HALs…

AI vs. Fraud: The Future of Insurance is Here

Medius Paves the Way with FrodoAI — Artificial intelligence is no longer a sci-fi dream in our fast-paced digital world. It's a game-changer, especially in the business world…

AI and Lotteries: Winning Formula?

See how lotteries use the power of AI to step up their game. — It's no secret that artificial intelligence (AI) has become a game changer in several industries. One area where AI is proving particularly…

Using Angular Standalone Components

Our journey and findings — As a leading technology company working in boutique software development and artificial intelligence, Medius is committed to exploring and…

Medius: Crafting the Future, Revolutionizing Your Business

Discover How Emerging Tech Can Boost Your Business — In the breathtaking world of technology, every new year brings unique challenges and opportunities, and 2023 is no exception. Emerging…

ChatGPT: A Powerful Tool and Privacy Considerations for Organizations

All that glitters is not gold — Yes, we couldn't ignore the elephant in the room anymore. It's time to talk about ChatGPT, more specifically, about its privacy concerns…

A look into how GamayunAI works

How GamayunAI predicts telecommunications network outages. — In our previous article, we presented the GamayunAI solution, which uses machine learning to help predict outages and improve overall…

Vehicle Scheduling Using Mathematical Models

Developing smart solutions in practice — As we develop advanced solutions for our clients, we face new challenges every day that require innovative approaches to optimize processes…

Predicting outages with artificial intelligence

The impact of GamayunAI on the operations of our largest telecommunications company — The world is changing rapidly, as is the information and communications infrastructure, which plays an increasingly important role in our…

Hottest trends that are reshaping the lottery industry

New technologies — new opportunities. — When leveraging the latest technological advances to improve business, the gambling industry has always been faster and more efficient than…

The exciting world of Skunkworks projects

What do Linux, Unix, Macintosh, and Windows have in common? — What do Linux, Unix, Macintosh, and Windows have in common? They are all results of an approach called “Skunkworks”. Sometimes in software…

Platform Engineering — Exploring the Trend

What is platform engineering, and what does it mean in practice? — What would be the ideal environment for developers? It would be an environment with full access to a computer somewhere in the cloud, with…

Vehicle chartering, a major step forward in the world of private group transportation

Three major benefits for customers of the Transportation Management System — Vehicle chartering has long been a popular option for corporations, governments, and individual users who need to transport groups of people…

Our manifesto

The truth is what most people run away from. — Who we are and what we do. Medius was founded 20 years ago, and since day one, our goal has been to go beyond the technological limits of…

This is how your company can benefit from CI/CD

More insights about CI/CD. — CI/CD: part 2 We’ve already written about what is CI/CD and how your company can benefit from it. If you missed the article, we suggest you…

Interview with Viktor Brajak for the project CEOview [VIDEO]

“How would you describe your ideal team member?” and other questions — VIDEO INTERVIEW “How would you describe your ideal team member?” is one just one of the questions our COO Viktor Brajak answered for the…

ChatGPT: Helping Development for Exotic Platforms?

Retrocomputing and ChatGPT — Retrocomputing and ChatGPT is a combination you didn’t know you needed to read about. Today we feature a fun post by our Solutions Architect…

Microservice Architecture

A modern approach to developing software systems. — When applications get too big, it may be time to move to microservices. Imagine you're building a house. Traditionally, all the rooms…

What is CI/CD and how can your company benefit from it?

Automate your software development workflows and deliver better quality code faster. — CI/CD explained CI/CD combines continuous integration (CI) with continuous delivery or deployment (CD). The purpose of CI/CD is to enable…

Gamayun AI and Digital Fingerprint [VIDEO]

Visualize what Gamayun AI can do for your company — Click on the video below to see our latest explainer video, which features examples of Gamayun AI in action: Video transcript: What if we…

[Deep Dive] Anonymization and pseudonymization

The first step in preparing data for processing or machine learning — The use of artificial intelligence, or more specifically, machine learning algorithms, is becoming quite common. The key to more accurate…

AI and the Future of E-governance

How is AI improving E-governance — Ah, the old digital revolution. It’s everywhere, from big companies to governments, everyone is trying to use digital to do things faster…

The Discovery Phase: Why is it so important?

And how we do it at Medius — Every business is made of decisions that affect business operations, goals and future activities. But before decisions are made, one needs…

Improving the World of Telco with Big Data and AI

Case study of our collaboration with Telekom Slovenije — AI can offer improvement and growth in many areas and Telco is no exception. From addressing privacy issues, fraud detection and helping…

Medius is a proven choice for Big Data and AI projects

Interview with Bojan Miličić, Director of Business Development and Sales at Medius — 1. Bojan, your focus at Medius is business development and sales of complex IT solutions. Was this always your interest? I’ll start by…

Smart banks are the future

How can the banking industry use the technology of the future? — In order to remain relevant in the AI-driven digital age, banks need to keep up with the times and offer customers solutions that are…

Are there emotions in communication between applications?

Detecting errors with natural language classification and processing techniques — Good, standardized and sufficiently descriptive error expressions are essential in the development of business-critical applications…

Viktor Brajak, COO: We build long-lasting connections with our clients

Customer satisfaction is Medius’ main mission. — Viktor, hi. Let’s start at the beginning, 20 years ago, when the company Medius was founded. What changed to this day? Back then I was still…

Tadej Justin, PhD: Ingenuity is crucial in our line of work

Tadej Justin is Chief Data Scientist at Medius — One of the many experts in the Medius team is Tadej Justin, PhD, Chief Data Scientist, who leads the ML and AI lab at Medius. We took this…

Do You Speak AI?

Terminology and communication behind AI projects — Have you ever wondered how we deal with AI projects? What is the secret of making a piece of software that keeps on scaling and growing…

A Machine Learning Approach To Identify Leaks In Water Network

PipeAI - The Success Story — Water networks are one of the most critical infrastructures for modern society in terms of their safety and functionality. For that reason…

Proper data handling for business success

Put your data in context — Information technology now permeates all segments of our lives, as business has largely moved online. This has been further fuelled by an…

5 Important Steps We Take When Collecting Data

Build Bulletproof Systems — Regardless of the industry or field your organization is in, data collection is an essential part of every system that is subject to…

How is AI saving drinkable water?

ARNO, a data-driven solution — How is AI saving drinkable water? We’ve already shared some background of how we at Medius are approaching the hardest issues we’re faced…

PoC setup and implementation in 3 steps

This is how we do it — That’s a great idea, but will it work? This is one question we get asked a lot and we’re not afraid of it. In the world of software, there…

How industries could benefit from real-time data analysis and event prediction

Data is gold, don’t miss out on it — Here’s an example. Let’s say a typical software is like a thermostat. It operates in a simple loop, always returning the room to the set…

Why Is Machine Learning Relevant Now?

Photo by mahdis mousavi on Unsplash With a formidable role in driving the efficiency of analytics, machine learning is transforming many…

Custom Software Development and Manufacturing

The Safe Way to Get Ahead — Manufacturing companies often overlook the significance of bespoke software development. However, the manufacturing business is getting…

5 Reasons Why Custom Software Leads To Faster Adoption Within An Organization

Custom or Commercial? — Custom software development can be a crucial competitive advantage in organizations because it comes with upsides like higher reliability…

Fraud Detection Solution for Insurance Companies

Powered by Machine Learning — Stay ahead of the competition with a unique fraud prevention solution. Photo by Medius. If your insurance company deals with many claims…

What is AI in real life?

Spoiler Alert: It's Not About Robots — When we hear the phrase artificial intelligence, science fiction movies are probably what comes to mind first. Artificial intelligence in…


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